Monday, May 16, 2005

Creative Commons in the news

Creative Commons licenses are getting more and more popular as artists and authors move to exploit digital media. The content on this site is published using a creative commons license.

MSNBC has an article called "Rewriting the rules of copyright - Creative Commons is new licensing scheme" where they mention the following:

So far, more than 10 million other creations -- ranging from the movie "Outfoxed" and songs by the Beastie Boys to the British Broadcasting Corp.'s news footage and the tech support books published under the O'Reilly label -- have been distributed using these licenses. The idea has even won the support of Hilary Rosen, formerly of the Recording Industry Association of America, and Jack Valenti, the past head of the Motion Picture Association of America, who became known for their aggressive pursuit of people who share free, unauthorized copies via the Internet.

Lawrence Lessig posted this "Late last night, Yahoo! launched a Creative Commons search engine, permitting you to search the web, filtering results on the basis of Creative Commons licenses. So, as I feel like I've said 10,000 times when explaining CC on the road, "Show me pictures of the Empire State Building that I can use for noncommercial use," and this is the first of about 13,000 on the list."


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