Monday, November 14, 2005

Pull the Plug

Let see if Paul Martin has the man parts to pick a Christmass election date. Here are some images to inspire! It's all up to you Paul - no dithering!


At 14/11/05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Liberal plan has is an election on April 10th. The day after Palm Sunday, right in the middle of Passion Week and right at the end of Lent.

Since Lent and Easter are important events on the Christian calendar like Christmas, why are they not raising this objection to the Liberals?

In the end, there is no time during the year when someone's holiday won't be disrupted by an election. Having an election is like having a baby -- there is no perfect time to have one, so waiting is a futile exercise.

Joe Lamerde

At 14/11/05, Blogger SleepsOnGrates said...

I can think of 10 good reasons why we don't want an election during the festive season.

At 14/11/05, Blogger Mark-Alan Whittle said...

The first week in January would be a 'D' Day for a new millenium, "Democracy Day".

Has a nice ring to it, eh? ~ MAW


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