Lunch Pale
Awash in a sea of caffeine, pressed against the belly of life, our hero Pale awaits his fate. Pale's sole purpose is intervening into the fate of mankind - well Canadian personkind anyway. "Release him unto this world so that the people may rejoice," and so it was, and so it will be.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
$10M in Our Tax $$ To Firm Linked to Paul Martin
The Earnscliffe Strategy Group, an Ottawa consulting firm with close political ties to Prime Minister Paul Martin, has received more than $10 million in federal government money since the Liberals took power, new documents show.
And another Ottawa polling firm that has sometimes worked with Earnscliffe received more than $61 million in the same period.
"When you look at numbers like that, those are astronomical," Conservative MP Dean Allison said yesterday. "Everyone knew that (Earnscliffe) was the prime minister's government in waiting. That is incredible. That's amazing."
That's my tax dollars~!
Dalton McGuinty's Toronto Garbage
So Dalton says it's up to municipal governments- not the province - to come up with plans to dispose of their trash.
Did he actually read the question?
"Municipal governments (like Cornwall) want provincial help to make sure they won't be forced to take Toronto's garbage if Michigan closes its border to the refuse."
So Toronto can send their garbage anywhere? It's up to them isn't it! Cornwall should then decide to send it back- The Dalton McGuinty Queens Park Memorial Dump has a nice ring to it!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Serenity opens Friday!

Serenity is the movie based upon the Fox cancelled sci-fi TV series Firefly that grew into a DVD best seller that grew into a big screen movie - all based upon fan support and word of mouth. That's a grass-roots bottom-up movement at it best
Check out the series on DVD and then head out to the movie - you won't regret it!
Some quotes from the series:
Jayne: “Ten percent of nuthin’ is…let me do the math here…nuthin’ into nuthin’…carry the nuthin’…”
Book: “I brought you some supper but if you’d prefer a lecture, I’ve a few very catchy ones prepped…sin and hellfire… one has lepers.”
Jayne: "Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. ... Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."
Monday, September 26, 2005
This blog supports Paul Martin!
Following the lead of the anti-conservatives (see this, this, this and this).
Update: Looks like John Manley, Martin Cauchon, Joe Volpe, Maurizio Bevilacqua, and Scott Brison do not have faith in Paul Martin's leadership and are actively organizing leadership bids!
End Update.
This blog supports Paul Martin for the leadership of the Liberal Party! Paul Martin started with a massive majority and went on to completely blow it.
I mean only he can come up with is a minority government against an angry, scary guy with a secret agenda whose party is supposedly against him!
We have more scandals under Paul Martin's leadership, than any other leader in Canadian history - adscam, health care fraud, gun registry fraud, technology fund payoffs, drivers escorting cabinet ministers all over the world. But what does Dithers do about it - absolutely nothing.
The best candidates the Liberal's can come up with are former Conservatives. They must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of actual Liberals.
With this kind leadership, the Liberals can only go up!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
That's General Pale to You
From the The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid.
So I'm Genghis Khan! Well it's better than this guy! I don't know if I would publish on my blog that the general he most resembles "could never sprout the balls to act on his information, and in the end, that's why Geoge McClellan is only a sidenote in the history books."
I scored 61 Wisdom, 61 Tactics, 71 Guts, and 59 Ruthlessness!
Genghis Khan was a Mongol conqueror, originally named Temujin. He succeeded his father, Yekusai, as chieftain of a Mongol tribe and then fought to become ruler of a Mongol confederacy. After subjugating many tribes of Mongolia and establishing his capital at Karakorum, Temujin held a great meeting, the khuriltai, at which he accepted leadership of the Mongols and assumed his title. He promulgated a code of conduct and reorganized his armies. He attacked the Jurchen-ruled Chin empire of North China and by 1215 had occupied most of its territory, including the capital, Yenching (now Beijing). From 1218 to 1224 he conquered Turkistan, Transoxania, and Afghanistan and raided Persia and East Europe to the Dnieper River. Genghis Khan ruled one of the greatest land empires the world has ever known. He died while campaigning against the Jurchen, and his vast domains were divided among his sons and grandsons. His wars were marked by ruthless carnage, but Genghis Khan was a brilliant ruler and military leader. Timur was said to be descended from him. Other leaders like yourself include Julius Caesar and Tecumseh Sherman
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 35% on Wisdom
You scored higher than 46% on Tactics
You scored higher than 93% on Guts
You scored higher than 76% on Ruthlessness
The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid
Friday, September 23, 2005
Is Cabinet an option?
Another Tory bites the dust!
"The federal Liberals have recruited a Tory member of the Manitoba legislature to run against Conservative health critic Stephen Fletcher in the next election.
John Loewen (LAY-ven), the Conservative member for Fort Whyte, was accompanied by senior Manitoba Liberal Reg Alcock as he announced his move."
This reverse take over is really working well! Pretty soon we'll own the Liberal party - then it's Secret Agenda time!
Adscam - part deux!!
Here we go again! Trouble at Industry Canada with many as 15 companies improperly being paying commissions to lobbyists - which is stricty forbidden by the Technology Partnerships Canada fund rules! These companies found in breach of their contracts should return all of their money from the fund, not just the contingency fees.
Of course they blame the lobbyists (former Liberals). The Technology Partnerships Canada has also come under fire by critics as a slush fund for Liberal-favoured companies.
So we have Liberal favoured companies paying "commissions" to Liberal friendly lobbyists using a Liberal created slush fund! How Liberal of them!
My tax dollars at work keeping the Big Red Machine rolling into the next millenniam!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
So how does Carol Jamieson explain the fact that the Conservatives have signed up 60,000 new members in three months and are fundraising at nearly four times the pace of the Liberals.
This is proof to me that Canadians and Conservatives are embracing Harper's leadership. (check out the top of my blog!)
And Joan Tintor who writes:
"Then Carol undercuts all she has just written, with her view that “the new Conservative Party of Canada had no chance of convincing the Canadian electorate that it was any different than the Canadian Alliance once it picked Stephen Harper as its first leader.” So Carol never supported Harper from the get-go and everything that has happened since has served to confirm that view. So where’s the news here?"
Monday, September 19, 2005
Free Our Hospital!!
The Queensway-Carleton Hospital in Ottawa shouldn't be wasting money on rent. This money should be spent on nurses etc instead of going to the black hole of the NCC - the unelected Liberal hog heaven!
Federal Conservative MP's John Baird and Pierre Polievre are urging Paul Martin to reduce the rent on NCC property to one dollar a year.
Go to - - to support this intiative.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
CBC striker missing
What happened to Canada's state funny man. No posts since August 8th! Rick! Your union brothers on the picket line need your support! Where are your funny quips and photoshop contests! Rick Mercer - where are you.
Update: This just in. The middle ragin granny looks suspicous!

Friday, September 16, 2005
Premier McGuinty has broken a promise!
Not the first one apparently!
"Spokesperson Eric Drouin told CFRA News that in order to have appropriate care, they need to have 70% of the nurses at the Ottawa Hospital be full time.
As it is right now, only 42% are in that category.
Drouin added that it's almost impossible to recruit nurses from the states when they can't be offered full time work.
The nurses say Premier McGuinty has broken a promise to hire 8000 nurses, adding that so far it's only about half of those positions that have been filled."
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Pettigrew sorry -
No. No. No. Not for that!
"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere regret for the impact the delays related to Mr. Liddar's diplomatic appointment have had on him both personally and professionally," said Pettigrew.
"With Mr. Liddar's consent, I also wish to confirm publicly that the government has granted him a top secret security clearance based upon the recommendations of Canada's Security and Intelligence Review Committee."
Ontario's Worst Municipal Roads
Come and vote!
Remember if you do not vote, you can't curse when your coffee spills on your lap when your car drops into a 3 foot pot-hole!
Liberal Minister Violated Code of Conduct
Wow ... how many times do these guys get to violate the conflict of ethics guildelines they brought in AND ran an election on!
"Former Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Robert Nault is reportedly in an apparent violation of a federal code of conduct.
A Winnipeg newspaper says Nault worked as a paid lobbyist for Nelson House First Nation.
A report filed with the federal Government by Nault showed he lobbied the very department he headed until December of 2003.
Nault registered as a lobbyist for Nelson House 19 months after leaving his cabinet post.
The federal code for public office holders says Nault is barred from working for any entity which had significant dealings with his department for two years after leaving office."
I guess in the new Lieberano math 19 months equals 2 years - if you do not get caught!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Liberals Intolerant!
The Liberals say the sovereigntist movement is still full of intolerance.
"During a speech to young Liberals in Quebec, Pettigrew mocked the Parti Quebecois and the Bloc Quebecois for trumpeting every candidate they occasionally draw from the ranks of visible minorities."
So the visible minorities in Quebec that do not all support Lieberanos are evil?
Also, it seems like the Liberals are as intolerant as the separatists as they like to "trumpet every candidate they occasionally draw from the ranks of visible minorities."
Visible minorities everywhere at!
Martin monitoring gas prices?
But he does not know how!
"Martin has put the petroleum companies on notice that he is making sure the price of gasoline keeps pace as the cost of crude oil drops
While he didn't say how he'll monitor the price at the pumps, Liberal Cabinet Minister Jacques Saada said the federal cabinet is drafting a plan."
I'll give away the secret to monitoring gas prices - when you actually pay for your own gas - you drive by these thing called "Gas Stations" and they have these sign things with the price per litre of the gas they are selling!
Another method would be to fill the gas tank and then notice that- hey - it used to cost me 25 dollars to fill up, now it cost 38.50. Hmmm, the gas price has gone up. No luxuries like Timmy's coffee this week!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Well duh!
CFRA has a poll qustion on Dalton today.
"The McGuinty Liberal gov't has succeeded in reaching 4 yr. labour agreements by accepting teacher demands. Should the gov't now ensure Ont. taxpayers receive annual reports on student test scores? (The next report is not scheduled until 2008, 1 yr. after the next election)"
At least the radical right wing listenership of CFRA is going for a big yes on this one. Kinda of a no brainer - too bad it will never happen!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Profiteering 101?
I think a good way to help the Katrina victims would be by getting an interim deal on the lumber issue. The gulf states are going to need a lot of wood to rebuild and if there is one thing we have that they need it's "cheap" wood.
And not negotiating through the media like the Liebrano's have been attempting but by getting on the phone and making some calls.
UPDATE: Some numbers you can call!
Canadian Red Cross' 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund - 1-800-418-1111
The Salvation Army - 1-800-SALARMY
You can also donate online at the American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross.